Encourage -N- Empower (E-N-E)
College & Career Preparatory:
Education & Mentorship via the
Open-Source Hi-Tech Global Collaboration

Products & Services

At Encourage -N- Empower (E-N-E), both our exclusive Practicums and Internships (Paid & Non-Paid) inspire our students to craft a pioneering ‘Personal Portfolio’ that functions as a strategic tie-breaker – even amidst competitive college admissions and challenging corporate interviewsE-N-E Open-Source Technologies for discovery-based, ‘hands-on’ learning includes the following:

Core Hi-Tech:

Robotics AI Vision Engineering (R.A.I.V.E.)

E-N-E B150 & B250 Bots
  • See photos below for our Robotic Technologies as Showcased at The Tech Interactive Museum, SJ(photos both next Section B100_Bot & next Web-Page ‘Awards-History’), a Microsoft Tech Camp w/ 200+ Kids, and Internationally at a Malaysian Tech Camp w/ 100+ Kids (rendering our Open-Source Platform as ‘World-Class‘), all featuring leading-edge processors from ‘micro:bit‘, Raspberry Pi, and NVIDIA.

Web Engineering: Front-End & Back-End
(W.E.F.E. & W.E.B.E.)

E-N-E Cloud-Based Personal Portfolio
  • Our Innovation w/ Raspberry-Pi Python-Servers has Earned us a Back-End Engineering Contract with a World’sLeader in Energy Web-Management – Siemens: eMeter Division.
  • Using our ‘Amazingly (But Cautiously) Free‘ Open-Source Front-End ‘WordPress‘ Resources (driving 43% World’sWeb in 2023), such as w/ our Website: E-N-E.org.

Interactive Content Engineering (I.C.E.)

E-N-E XD/XR (2D-3D/AR-VR) Graphics
  • Awarded Highest-Recognition form Amazon.com Engineering at First LEGO League ‘Innovation Project Competition’ re: our AR (Augmented Reality) Visual Home-Dropoff System w/ the $3,500 Microsoft HoloLens 2.
  • Our Exclusive ‘Computer Science through Game/Graphic Engines’ Exhibit Premiered at the World-Renown Maker Fairein partnership with both the Exploratorium Museum, SF and The Tech Interactive Museum, SJ (photos @ under I.C.E. Section below).

Hybrid Hi-Tech:

Medical AI Vision Engineering (M.A.I.V.E)

E-N-E M150 Medic (for Summer+ 2025)
  • New, Under Construction for Advanced 3rd Year Students.

Vision & Background

With the recent de-emphasis on SAT/ACT scores for College Admissions, greater weight is being placed on both the 1) academic GPA and 2) extra-curricular activities.  Regarding the latter (extra-curricur activities), E-N-E provide the ‘tie-breaking’ industry-experiences that supercedes the oftentimes much: overhyped, overrated, and overstressing acadamic GPA.

Thus, E-N-E encourages and empowers our students – along with the support from parents/guardians – to ‘critically think’ in the realm of both 1) hard skills (in potential career fields) – and – 2) soft skills (e.g. communications & teamwork).  Thus our students do not passively settle as ‘industry-learners‘ – but rather – actively contribute as ‘industry-innovators‘, in responsibly building a stronger community… for life.

Since 2006 of E-N-E‘s 1) Open-Source R&D, 2) family-approach to relational-mentoring and 3) focusing on what’s fun yet foundational, our students are intrinsically motivated to ‘mindfully create/collaborate’ – escaping the negative influences to ‘mindlessly consume’.

By ‘starting early and staying strong’ from Elementary/Jr. High to even High School, E-N-E‘s practicums & internships equip students to collaborate with best-of-breed institutions, such as with prestigious Science Museums (e.g. The Tech Interactive, SJ & Exploratorium, SF) – and – with leading Tech Corporations (e.g. NVIDIA, Siemens & Amazon).

In these next 3-5 years, E-N-E‘s ‘Products & Services‘ as listed in the left column, position ourselves to add our next strand of ‘Collegiate & Corporate Networking‘: establishing local alliances with top Universities (e.g. Stanford and UC Berkeley) – all for a stronger global community.

(As originated from E-N-E’s 2018 Vision Statement: 

Table of Contents
A. B150 Bot – Beginner – micro:bit+ I.C.E.
B. B250 Bot – Intermediate – Raspberry Pi
+ W.E.F.E/W.E.B.E.
C. B350 Bot – Advanced – B250
+ R.A.I.V.E.
D. Virtual Hardware Engineering thru Software (VHETS)
E. Coach’s Highlights

A. B150 Bot

As Inspired by VCS/Quest RoboQuest_Bot RQ100…

Featuring the 'micro:bit' ARM-Cortex Processor

Core Kit
(w/ Itemized Examples)

B150 Bot
Core Kit & Expansion Packs
(w/ Itemized Examples)

Video-GIF Demo: B150
'Plug -N- Play' Modular Expansion Packs

Video-Demo: B100 ‘Plug -N- Play’ Modular Enhancement Kits

Video Demo:
B150 Bot: Core Kit
Quad-Wheel & Dual-Wheel Drive Hyrbrid

Video Demo:
B150 Bot: Expansion Packs

Video Demo:
B150 Bot: Expansion Packs:
‘Self-Driving’ Autonomous Wheel-Encoders

Sample Building & Coding Lessons
attracting National & Global Attention
for an ‘Amazing Grace’ 500% Growth in our 1st Year (50 to 300 students)
featuring our Exclusive ‘Interactive Content Engineering’ (I.C.E.)

Being a Family & Community Service (… In Christ …), such as via:
1) Corporate-Based Tech-Camps (e.g. Microsoft @ Chicago, Illinois (200 Students) &
2) Worldwide Academia (Malaysia of 100 Students [20 w/ Refugee Hardships])

For ‘Building’ Demo below, use its embedded ‘Zoom-Out’ Button – as shown via this ‘Red TearDrop_1’ …

For ‘Coding’ Demo Below, use its embedded ‘Edit’ Button – as shown via this ‘Red TearDrop_2’ …

For ‘Building’ Demo Below (w/ Servo_Motor_Wiring), View-Only Screenshot

B. B250 Bot

Featuring the 'Raspberry Pi' 64-Bit ARM-Cortex Processor

B250 Bot: Core Kit
(w/ Itemized Examples)

B250 Bot: Core Kit
(Rear View)

B200 Standard Bot (Rear View)

B250 Bot: Core Kit
(Bottom View)

B200 Standard Bot (Bottom View)

Video-GIF Demo: B250 Bot
Machine/Deep-Learning AI-Camera
for ‘Scan, Detect & Tag (S.D.T.)’ of ArUco 5×5 50mm Markers
w/ Augmented-Reality (AR) 3D-Graphics
for Multi-Bot ‘LaserFree-Tag’ to Avoid ‘Eye-Retina Class_2+ Lazer-Hazards’ 😉
w/ Long-Term ‘Vision’ for Multi-Human ‘LaserFree-Tag’ using Robo-Suits/Shields 😁
B250 Front-End Web-Test of DcMotors @400rpm (x3 Safely Faster vs. B150 Bot)
via a [‘Siemens.com’ Validated] Back-End Python-Based Server (Flask w/ SocketIO)

C. B350: Bot-Embedded Human Suits & Shields
w/ Robotic AI Vision Engineering (R.A.I.V.E.)

D. Virtual Hardware Engineering Through Software (VHETS)
as these World-Leading Colleges:

… by our Exclusive Online V-Lab (Virtual-Lab)
featuring Open-Source ‘Webots
3D-Physics-Engine for Robotics

1A. Online V-Lab #1: Ground Missions 1-of-2

1B. Online V-Lab #2: Ground Missions 2-of-2

2. Online V-Lab #3: Air Missions

3. Online V-Lab #4: Water Missions

E. Coach’s Highlights

Jr High School: Robotics

Jr High First LEGO League Coach with a 5x Award Winning Season
Valley Christian Jr High School, San Jose

High School: Computer Science

High School Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science (CS) A ~ Highest Rankings
Valley Christian High School, San Jose

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